- B17 24×30 enamel on stainless steel SOLD OUT
- Love and Hate 24×36 enamel on stainless steel SOLD OUT
- Camera 32x36x32 repurposed 35mm film roll SOLD
- Cel Phone 12×32 3 color serigraph
- End of Line 24×36 2 color serigraph
- Nectar 24×32 mixed media
- Playground 24×24 mixed media
- With Death Come Honesty 24×24 mixed media SOLD
- Post No Bills 12×18 mixed media
- Redemption 14×20 mixed media
- Remember 18×24 3 color serigraph
- New World Order 2.0 24×36 2 color serigraph
- Secrets 26×36 3 color serigraph
- Stimulator Belt 24×32 mixed media
- Stimulator Belt 24×32 ink on paper SOLD
- The Devil and the Ten Commandments 18×32 3 color serigraph